The intention of this episode was to review and reflect upon the topics we’ve discussed on Narratively Speaking, and perhaps revisit our central premise.
I had it all planned out, but then story happened, and life made different decisions. The best laid plans and all that.
So fuck it. No clips, no research, no plan. Are you up for a story?
Intro clip:
Death is one of the fundamental things any self-aware sentient human has to come to grips with. But how do we do that, when all evidence seems to indicate that death is final, and there is nothing beyond?
Of course, that’s where story comes in…
Bill Nye on the Afterlife:
Today Show on Science and the Afterlife:
Sam Parnia on NDEs and Consciousness:
AWARE study results:
Skeptico interviews Sam Parnia:
BBC om Transhumanism – Could we live forever?